The Notification
As demonstrated in the images below, the motorist receives an email or text with a link to the vehicle-specific web page, which shows
- Your shop name
- The notification specific to the workflow step the vehicle entered
- An image of the vehicle (stock photo or an image the motorist or shop uploaded)
- The services being performed on the vehicle
- All authorized jobs are visible
- Links to already performed inspections at this or previous visits
- If the inspection has not been emailed or texted already a disclaimer about the inspection results being still incomplete is added
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How To Set Up The Workflow Step Notification
1). Select the Hamburger Menu on the top left of your homepage
2). select System Settings
3). Select the communication tab on the left-hand side of your screen
4). Select the "During Visit" tab on the left side
5). To allow workflow steps to be sent to customers check this box
6). To schedule what time frames those notifications will be sent, configure them here
7). To select which workflow steps will be sent to customers, select here
8). To preview and configure the message sent to the customers, select here,
9). To Include the inspection result in the customer communication, check the corresponding check box.
A window will pop up to preview the message sent to customers
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Workflow Status Notification Signature
navigate to Shop settings: How To Navigate to 'Shop Settings' on TVP.X
1). Select Communication
2). Select During Visit
3). Select Preview
From there this screen will pop up with a signature of the implementer's name (Or Service Advisor's name if no implementer) and shop phone number.
The signature is based on the "implementer" and the shop phone number.
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The Vehicle has already advanced further in the Workflow when Motorists open the text/email
To avoid motorists being misguided, the additional wording “Your vehicle has advanced further since this message has been sent, we’ll keep you updated.” is being added to the notification.
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Will moving a vehicle into a workflow step that is properly configured to send notifications, send them each time or just the first time for a given step?
Notifications will only be sent first time the tile is moved to that specific step.