Keep all of your shop's tasks prioritized by time and importance. The most important tasks are always at the top of the list and are due now or overdue. Simply complete the task at the top first to stay up-to-date on your shop's day-to-day.
Only people that can sign into the TVP (service advisor, production manager, or implementer) can use the Task Manager. It does not apply to technician-only users.
- How it Works
- Turn Task Manager On or Off
- Add a New Task
- Reassign a Task
- View Alerts for Tasks
- Automatically Generated Tasks
- Production Managers
How it Works
- Date and Time: Task start time
- Task Description and Status: A progress chart will be displayed for tasks with subtasks
- Assignee: Click on this to reassign the task to someone else. Learn more.
- Next Action: Next task or subtask to be completed
- Trigger: Source of the task, i.e. vehicle alert from tablet, manual, etc.
- Done: Select the checkbox to complete a task
My Next Tasks
My Next Tasks displays all tasks assigned to the currently signed-in user where the due date is today's date or older.
If the user would like to view all of their tasks on the My Next Tasks tab, they can select the Show All checkbox. When the Task Manager is closed and reopened the checkbox selection will remain.
All Next Tasks
All Next Tasks shows all incomplete tasks for the entire shop. Service advisors who are designated Production Managers can reassign tasks.
My Future Tasks
My Future Tasks displays all tasks assigned to the signed in user with a due date in the future.
Completed Tasks
Completed Tasks allows you to review tasks completed within the last week.
Turn Task Manager On or Off
From Shop Settings:
- Select Workflow
- Select General
- Select ON or OFF toggle next to Task Manager
- Submit Changes
When disabled, the Task Manager will not be visible on the TVP. By default, the task manager is turned OFF for new shops.
Add a New Task
Select Add New Task from the top right corner of the Task Manager popup.
- Choose choose from a list of the last 10 tasks or skip to #2 to create a new task title
- Add/edit the task title and a description
- Assign the task to SA from the drop down menu
- If associated to an RO, select the RO# of a Vehicle from the drop down menu
- Add Time to start the task by
- Create new tasks
Manually created tasks will be outlined in blue.
Reassign a Task
To reassign your own task to someone else, click on your Name from the task and select a name from the drop down.
Note: Production Managers can reassign all tasks, even those assigned to others.
Note: This option for service advisors to reassign a task to themselves is only available if there is no Production Manager defined in AutoVitals.
View Alerts for Tasks
Service advisors only see pop-up alerts for their own incoming chat messages, vehicle alerts and automatically-generated tasks.
Automatically Generated Tasks
Certain actions within the AutoVitals system create automated tasks for the service advisor on the TVP to complete steps. These automated tasks are also marked completed once the steps outlined in the task are taken. To learn more about auto-generated tasks click here.
Production Managers
If a Production Manager is assigned in AutoVitals, the Task Assignment settings will appear in the TVP settings pop-up. Use the checkboxes to select the tasks categories that should be assigned to the Production Manager rather than the default person assigned.