Depending on your point-of-sale shop management system, your integration with AutoVitals may vary in terms of setup and/or functionality. This page will cover general best practices for most integrations with AutoVitals.
Your server computer(s) should be left on overnight
In the event there is an issue we need to help diagnose or fix, it will be easiest if you leave your server computer(s) on at night. This will allow us to resolve any issues that may occur outside of business hours to avoid disruptions.
⚠️ This includes making sure your computer does not go into sleep mode.
This does not apply for shops using Tekmetric, Shop-Ware or Protractor.
Anti-virus or firewalls should be checked to ensure compatibility
Depending on your shop's firewall and/or anti-virus software and settings, it is possible they will cause issues for our AutoVitals integration. In order to make sure nothing is affecting the integration, we should monitor the integration immediately after setup. Additionally, AutoVitals should always be informed if you make changes to your anti-virus or firewall settings. If you're not sure and suspect we should look into this, please contact our support team by creating a ticket on your Today's Vehicle Page or by email at
This does not apply for shops using Tekmetric, Shop-Ware or Protractor.
Changes to your point-of-sale shop management system version
Before upgrading to a new version of your point-of-sale shop management system, it's best to check with the AutoVitals team to ensure we have tested the new version and can ensure compatibility. Depending on the system you use, we may need access to your server computer in order to re-establish a working integration after your version upgrade.
Changing point-of-sale shop management systems
Please let us know PRIOR to any change in point-of-sale shop management system. Not only could this impact the functionality in general, but we will need to make changes to setting on our side to ensure the integration works properly with your new system. Please see: