Users can now route any vehicle channel communication to all service advisors instead of the default assigned service advisor as it exists today.
We aim to reduce the number of dropped balls for shops with an 'all hands on deck' policy for managing repair orders.
What's in this article:
Go to Settings, navigate to workflow (1), then General (2), then Service Advisors (3).
New shops will default to having all service advisors receive all alerts. In contrast, existing shops can now configure that all service advisors receive all vehicle alerts depending on their processes. When Vehicle alerts go to all Service Advisors is on, even if a service advisor leaves a vehicle chat message they will be added again the next time a message is sent to that vehicle chat channel.
Look and Feel
We have added the following to the in-app notifications to provide contextual information so that you can make better decisions on the fly...
- Channel Icon Team Channel, Vehicle Channel, or Support Channel
- Recipient List
IF all service advisors are set to receive alerts. Otherwise only the assigned Service Advisor will receive the alert. - Sender
- Message Content
Do tasks (in the Task Manager feature) get assigned to all service advisors now?
No, tasks will still have a single assignee. This is either the Production Manager or the assigned service advisor depending on your configuration.
If my shop is set to send alerts to all Service Advisors, does the 1st Service Advisor that closes the alert, close them all?
This depends on whether the setting shown above, Vehicle chat message can be marked read by all SAs is set to yes or no. If yes, when one person marks the chat as read it will mark the chat/notification as read for everyone in the shop.