All vehicle inspections will include the following pictures if applicable:
- Front end picture with license plate as vehicle profile picture (before opening workorder)
- State inspection sticker if applicable
- All 4 corners of the vehicle
- Vin tag inside driver door jam
- Instrument cluster after engine start with mileage
- Fluids on Drip Tray (Oil, Trans, Power Steering, Brake, Coolant) if accessible
- Brake fluid moisture test
- Air Filter if accessible
- Battery if accessible
- Battery if leaking or corroded
- Battery test results
- Any fluid leaks underhood and anything that is not marked as good
- All 4 tire treads and one picture of tire size with speed rating (5 pictures minimum)
- Brake pad/shoe. Take a picture of brake lining if YELLOW or RED on the brake lining
thickness gauges. - Any item on the inspection that is marked “needs immediate attention” or “needs future
attention” that can be easily photographed”
Service Advisors
Every inspection will be reviewed for the following, if the pictures are not acceptable then
REASSIGN the inspection to the technician:
- Ensure all technician items above are complete
- Pictures are pertinent to the item they are associated with
- All poor quality or erroneous pictures are removed
- Pictures are edited for emphasis where appropriate(2-3 per inspection)