Table of Contents
- Content of This Document
- Data Processing
- Employee Setup
- Employee Assignment
- Work Order Status: Appointments, Estimates, Repair Orders, Invoices; Drop Off & Closeout
- Sending Inspection & Estimate
- Work Order Items
- Customers
- Vehicles
- Recommendations and Declined Jobs
- Canned Jobs / Service Packages
- How to Push the Information
- Specific Details of Each Feature
Content of This Document
This document contains details about Shop-Ware and how data from Shop-Ware transfers to AutoVitals as well as information about how information from AutoVitals can be pushed into Shop-Ware,
Data Processing
Available Processing Hours
Expected Delay of Data Transfer
Primary Data
< 30 seconds |
Service Packages |
1 hour |
Employees |
1 hour |
Employee Setup
How the POS Works and How it Transfers to AV
How to get there in the POS & how to add a new employee
See Shop-Ware’s instructions here: Support Center
Select “Technician” and/or “Service Advisor”
If neither Technician or Service Advisor is selected, then the employee will not appear in AV.
An employee can be technician, service advisor, or both.
It is not possible for a technician to exist at multiple locations
Service Advisors
Can be single location or multilocation, which is configured under “Permissions”
How are they deleted or marked inactive? This will cause the employee to either not be imported to AV or to be deleted in AV.
Under “Permissions” of the employee, there is an option to “Deactivate this staff member”
Deactivated employees will then appear under “Former Staff Members” instead of “Current Staff Members”
Employee Assignment
How the POS Works and How it Transfers to AV
Service Advisors
By default, no service advisor is assigned to the work order in Shop-Ware. One can be selected
The advisors initials will appear on the vehicle tile on Today’s Vehicles Page
The advisor’s name will appear on the RO details on Today’s Vehicles Page
Default Technician
By default, no technician is assigned to the work order in Shop-Ware. One can be selected
The default technician will show in AutoVitals and the tech will be assigned to all of the jobs on the RO which are not already assigned to someone else
Technician Per Job
In addition to default tech, techs can be assigned to individual labors in Shop-Ware.
This is done by clicking on the “TECH” icon next to the labor
Work Order Status: Appointments, Estimates, Repair Orders, Invoices; Drop Off & Closeout
How the POS Works and How it Transfers to AV
Shop-Ware allows to start either an appointment or an estimate. (All repair orders start as an estimate)
How to create an appointment: Support Center
An appointment cannot contain labors/parts, but it can be linked to an estimate or repair order.
If an appointment is not linked to an estimate or repair order, then it is also not linked to a vehicle and will be ignored by AutoVitals.
Can contain labor/parts
A work order is in “estimate” status in Shop-Ware if
it shows “Estimate” at the top instead of “Work Order”
and it shows “Start Job” on the bottom-right
Where they appear in AutoVitals:
If the shop has an AV package with workflow steps, the estimate or appointment will appear in appointment columns such as “Today’s Appointments”. If the appointment is > 2 days in the future, it will not be visible on Today’s Vehicles Page.
If the shop has an AV package without workflow steps (such as DVIx), estimates will be visible on Today’s Vehicles Page only if the shop is configured to not ignore estimates.
Work Order / Repair Order
Can contain labors/parts
An estimate is converted to a work order in Shop-Ware once “Start Job” has been clicked and will now be considered as repair order in AutoVitals.
It shows “Work Order” at the top
- and “Close Job” OR unchecked “Picked Up”
If the shop has an AV package with workflow steps, drop off detection enabled, and the default workflow settings, then the repair order will appear in the “Waiting for Inspect” step and ready for the technician(s) to work on the vehicle.
Once “Picked Up” has been checked off, the work order is closed out.
Sending Inspection & Estimate
You can send customers Inspection results from AutoVitals as well as the Estimate from Shop-Ware to allow you to approve jobs, by following the steps described below:
Work Order Items
How the POS Works and How it Transfers to AV
Shop-Ware always contains all labors & parts within a job group (or “Service”)
How to add a job group to the work order: Support Center
Job Groups vs. Labors vs. Parts
A service in Shop-Ware can have a title and a comment. The service appears as the job group name in AutoVitals while the comment appears as the job group description.
If there are multiple labors, all parts in the job group will appear under the first labor.
If a job group contains a part but no labor, AV will add a generic labor line so that the part has somewhere to appear.
If the work order contains job group(s) with no labor or parts, the repair order will still appear in AV and can be sent to the technician’s tablet for inspection, but the technician will not see anything on the repair order and will not be able to add any notes, images, or timers.
Labor Hours
Shop-Ware has one field for hours on each labor line.
Declined Jobs
Shop-Ware does not have declined jobs. A job can be converted to a recommendation, as described below in the Recommendations section.
How the POS Works and How it Transfers to AV
Customer Name
Shop-Ware has “First name” and “Last name”, which both transfer to AV.
Edits to the customer name transfer to AV quickly (<1 minute).
Email Address
Shop-Ware allows only 1 email address per customer and AV will pick up this email address.
Edits to the email address transfer to AV quickly (<1 minute).
Phone Numbers
Shop-Ware allows multiple phone numbers per customer.
Custom labels can be applied, which AV ignores
One or more numbers can be marked as “preferred”.
AutoVitals stores up to 2 phone numbers per customer. AV will prioritize the first number marked as “preferred” to use for texting. If that number is a landline, we’ll try the next preferred number or if none are marked as preferred, we will go by the order the phone numbers are listed.
Customer Communication (No Marketing)
If “Marketing OK” is unchecked in Shop-Ware, then the customer’s texting and emailing settings will be affected in AutoVitals:
How the POS Works and How it Transfers to AV
YMM, VIN, and license plate transfer to AV.
If Shop-Ware has a 17 character VIN and it can successfully be decoded, AV displays the YMM which is decoded from that VIN.
If there is no VIN or the VIN is invalid, then we will display the YMM selected in Shop-Ware.
VINs < 10 or > 17 characters will be ignored
Edits to the vehicle information transfer to AV quickly (<1 minute).
Recommendations and Declined Jobs
How the POS Works and How it Transfers to AV
How recommendations work in Shop-Ware: Support Center
A job on the repair order can be converted into a recommendation, which will appear under “CRM Next Visit” in AV
Canned Jobs / Service Packages
How the POS Works and How it Transfers to AV
How to get there in the POS
Canned Jobs are located in the “Cannery”
Job Codes
The job code of a canned job is displayed in Shop-Ware in the URL when viewing that job
It is not possible to share inspection sheets between different shops and to keep canned job mapping because it is not possible for different shops to have the same job codes in Shop-Ware. So each shop will need to configure their inspection sheet in order to have canned job mapping, which allows AV to import the techs' inspection recommendations into Shop-Ware directly as recommendations.
How to Push the Information
- Those buttons must be clicked to send the information. We do not do it automatically to avoid changes to the work order happening without the service advisor’s knowledge.