Technicians |
Dos |
Dont's |
Consequences |
Before start working on a job, open the RO on the tablet. If working on an RO, keep the RO open on the tablet. It is OK if the tablet goes to sleep, the worked time on the vehicle will still be tracked. |
Automatic time tracking will stop. Actual hours worked on RO will be inaccurate in reports. On TVP, it will appear as if tech is not busy and working on a vehicle. Reports about tech efficiency will be inaccurate. |
Use the Start/Stop Timer on the worksheet for TeETimes to calculate the time on the Workorder, only use to monitor the time on a particular labor line. |
This is only needed for time & material calculation, or if shop wants to know which tech is fastest at a particular type of job. Using the Start/Stop timer on the worksheet is extra work for most shops. |
If you are NOT working on an RO (sweeping the shop, smoke break, etc), choose a TeETime option from the Dropdown menu on the tablet. These options are customizable and help manage the work better. |
SA will have no visibility as to what the tech is working on, and will not know which tech is best to assign work to. Shop owners will not be able to optimize the workflow, because they will not be tracking the time the techs are idling. |
Mark jobs as completed as you complete them and be surprised how fast the next vehicle will be assigned to you. |
Each day’s billed hours completed will be inaccurate if the RO is open more than 1 day. SA will not see tech is done with jobs in real time, so tech will get less work assigned. |
Mark jobs partially completed which take longer than one hour |
SA will not see tech’s progress on work and not know which tech is available to assign work to. Billed hours may also be inaccurate on reports. |
Make sure to select lunch each day (this will clock you out for that time period) |
Clocked hours will be inaccurate in reports. | |
Clock out at the end of the day | If techs do not clock out, they will be auto clocked out at midnight. This will make the report look like they worked 14+ hours a day and forces a person in the shop (owner, manager) to retroactively correct those numbers. |
Service Advisors |
Dos |
Dont's | Consequences |
Add a new job to the end of the work order | Change the order of the jobs on the work order | For some POS systems (e.g., Winworks) it will confuse SmartFlow and parts and jobs get disjointed. |
Designate a TeETime like “Working with Technician” that is still set as a paid TeETime |
Split a job between different technicians in your POS system, AutoVitals only supports one per job line |
Only one technician will receive the billed hours in TeETimes, where the other technician’s hours may not reflect his/her true productive time. |
Remove jobs and/or combine jobs on the work order in your POS after the technician has already completed the jobs |
This will cause inconsistencies between your POS and the TeETimes reports, because the TeETimes reports will reflect actual jobs as they were completed. You will have to go through extra effort to resolve these inconsistencies. |
Move a job to Waiting for Pick up before all jobs are completed |
All jobs will be auto completed and tech will get credit for the billed hours on that RO this day, instead of when he actually did the work. |
Encourage the technician to complete jobs. | Don’t force technicians to use the job timer. | Idle time created with low benefit. Jobs are auto closed in pickup, which does not represent correct technician efficiency in reports. |
Make sure vehicles are moved through the workflow, so the TeETime report is always accurate |
The numbers for Technician productivity and efficiency will be incorrect. If the workflow is not used, and the technician does not mark jobs as complete certain billed hours may not be recognized in reports until the vehicle is invoiced. |