We've made some changes and hope you'll read our release notes below. As always, please contact with any questions you have by email at support@autovitals.com or click here to open a ticket with the team.
Enhancements - What's New?
Improvements in Conversation Center
Updated language to Mark all Closed:
For Unseen messages in the Conversation Center, users will now see the option to Mark all as Seen:
For Incoming messages in the Conversation Center, users will now see the option to Mark all as Read:
Message Sent Confirmation:
Now, when users send a message from the Conversation Center will get a quick confirmation without having to click “OK” in another window.
Renamed Recommendations on CRM Next Visit
On the CRM Next Visit tab, recommendations now read:
POS Recommendations: Declined work from the POS (depending on POS system this may not be supported)
Immediate Recommendations: Recommendation(s) from the last inspection that were marked “immediate action”
Future Recommendations: Recommendation(s) from the last inspection that were marked “future attention”
Improved Work Order
To make it apparent which jobs on the Work Order will be sent to the customer, we’ve disabled the Send checkbox for any unauthorized jobs on the Work Order. Once the job(s) are authorized, the Send checkbox becomes active, and the jobs can be included in the inspection results.
Small Changes & Bug Fixes
Fixed sending of Work Order only to Customers